We’re happy to share the latest release of whitson+, fresh out of the coding oven. There is a lot of new functionality in this release, and we’ve highlighted the main ones in this video https://youtu.be/pdO1zpu8Ek0
whitson+ – comprehensive software updates list
- Save Cases
- Functionality to add a new analysis for a given well
- Version control of previously saved analysis’
- Production Data Smoothing
- Graphically smooth input production data
- Autofit portions of data with moving average
- Select which rate should be used in analysis (smoothed / original input)
- Bottomhole Pressure
- BHP tuning option (tune BHP to measured gauge pressure)
- Automatic: Automatically estimate gas injection depth daily (if gas lift valve information is missing)
- Intuitive overview of flow configurations
- New flowpath: Unknown (in cases when you don’t know)
- GIS 1.0
- Plot wells spatially
- Group wells
- Measure distance and areas
- Multi-well Diagnostic Plot
- Customization of series per well
- Save / copy templates
- File generation
- Files are generated on demand (vs in bulk mode)
- Intuitive overview of all historical file downloads
- No limits on number of wells in export file
- Data handling
- .csv mass upload option (> 1 million rows)
- Merge (append) option for mass upload
- Improved copy functionality, not required to rerun analysis
- Data integration
- Upgrade of whitson+ API endpoints.
- Upgrade of whitson+ direct database connection process and procedures.
- Snowflake integration.
- +lots more!
The updated manual can be found here: https://manual.whitson.com/.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank you all for the great collaboration and supporting our development.
… So, What’s Next?
- Chow Pressure Group (CPG) for interference testing
- Multi-well numerical model
- DCA & Type Well upgrade
- GIS upgrade
- Fractional version of numerical RTA
- + lots more!
Next release is scheduled for December 2022.
Learn more about our software products
Curtis Hays Whitson
Kameshwar Singh
Middle East
Ahmad Alavian
Mathias Lia Carlsen
About whitson
whitson supports energy companies, oil services companies, investors and government organizations with expertise and expansive analysis within PVT, gas condensate reservoirs and gas-based EOR. Our coverage ranges from R&D based industry studies to detailed due diligence, transaction or court case projects. We help our clients find the best possible answers to complex questions and assist them in the successful decision-making on technical challenges. We do this through a continuous, transparent dialog with our clients – before, during and after our engagement. The company was founded by Dr. Curtis Hays Whitson in 1988 and is a Norwegian corporation located in Trondheim, Norway, with local presence in USA, Middle East, India and Indonesia