We’re happy to share the latest release of whitson+, fresh out of the coding oven. There is a lot of new functionality in this release, the whole overview can be seen below.
Make sure to CTRL+R in the browser to fetch the latest version!
whitson+ – comprehensive software updates list
Multi-well Numerical Model:
- Multiple layers
- Multiple wells separated by well spacing
- Overlapping fractures and fracs through multiple layers
- Link to existing well to honor LFP and historical data or use synthetic well data.
- Honor PVT from existing wells (basin-wide EOS model)
- To come: scenarios.
- Implementation of the SPE 2019-123 DFIT interpretation procedure with the Fracture Compliance Method.
- Pre-closure and Post-closure analysis methods for short as well as long shut ins.
- PKN and radial frac geometry assumptions as well as G function plots and H function analysis.
- Estimation of effective shut in pressure, fracture contact pressure and minimum principal stress.
- Estimation of pore pressure for impulse radial and linear post closure signatures.
- Estimation of permeability using 6 different methods.
Numerical Engine Upgrade:
- Upgraded to a more stable and robust version.
- Reduces lead time on new developments and bug fixes.
- Automatic tracking of all cases that fails, on all domains.
- Rigorously implemented in numerical model, numerical RTA and gas FMB.
- Langmuir isotherm.
- Input: Langmuir volume, Langmuir pressure, shale density.
- Turn on/off as seen fit.
- More here: https://manual.whitson.com/methods/adsorption/index.html.
Bulk Run/Edit:
- Bulk Run/Edit Numerical RTA.
- Bulk Run/Edit Numerical Model.
- Bulk Run BHP Tuning.
- Bulk Edit PVT properties.
- Bulk Edit BHP Tuning Input.
- Bulk Edit BHP correlation to use in calculations.
Numerical Model:
- Allow for different fracture lengths in different layers (like discussed here by Oxy).
- Asymmetric fracture length option.
- Be able to run forecast without historical data.
- Option to include rate constraint in synthetic BHP option.
- Option to include rate constraint in Well Control sensitivity option.
- Option to include adsorption for dry gases.
- Option to include pressure dependent permeability tables
- Visualization of pressure dependent permeability chart
Numerical RTA:
- Autofit option.
- Change weighting for RMS calculating in autofit.
- Option to include adsorption for dry gases.
- Option to include pressure dependent permeability tables.
- Visualization of pressure dependent permeability chart
Multi-well Diagnostic Plot:
- Normalization by attribute (custom and default).
- Select all wells option.
- Select groups to plot ala Type Well.
- Expand 2×2 plots.
- Wells stacked in export.
- Y-axis and x-axis data dropdowns searchable.
- Color select in table format (with copy-paste).
Type Well:
- Normalization by custom attribute.
- Color by attribute option (custom and default).
- Probit plot (EUR, peak rate, IP30, IP60, IP90).
- GIS Map integrated in type well.
- Related property tables.
- Possibility to add water type well.
Decline Curve Analysis:
- Rate vs Cum option.
- Rate vs date option.
- Autofit multi-segment, select all or which segment to fit
- Import type well into DCA module.
Analytical RTA:
- Databasing (saved when leaving feature) of PNR and RNP derivative options in Classical and Fractional RTA.
- Databasing (saved when leaving feature): Derivative options: Bourdet, Weighted Central Difference, Central Difference.
Chow Pressure Group:
- Build-up / drawdown switch.
- Put on production (POP) input field (datetime format) connected to POP line.
- Databasing (saved when leaving feature) derivative function and associated smoothing.
Mass Upload:
- PRISM interface
- DrillingInfo interface
- More info: https://manual.whitson.com/modules/hierarchy/wells/#mass-upload
Data integration:
- Upgrade of whitson+ API endpoints.
- Upgrade of whitson+ direct database connection process and procedures.
- Snowflake integration improvements
The updated manual can be found here: https://manual.whitson.com/.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank you all for the great collaboration and supporting our development.
… So, What’s Next? (Random Order)
- Consistent workflow filtering (saved across all modules).
- Commenting (saved across all modules).
- Overview of runs being done on one domain.
- “Send to” diagnostic plot feature.
- RNP integrals.
- Devon Quantification of Interference (DQI).
- Auto history match / optimizer.
- Pressure Gradient calculations.
- Gas lift optimizer.
- Fractional version of Numerical RTA.
- Property cross plots in diagnostic plots.
- + lots more!
Next release is scheduled for December 2023.
Contact carlsen@whitson.com to learn more about our software products.
Curtis Hays Whitson
Kameshwar Singh
Middle East
Ahmad Alavian
Mathias Lia Carlsen
About whitson
whitson supports energy companies, oil services companies, investors and government organizations with expertise and expansive analysis within PVT, gas condensate reservoirs and gas-based EOR. Our coverage ranges from R&D based industry studies to detailed due diligence, transaction or court case projects. We help our clients find the best possible answers to complex questions and assist them in the successful decision-making on technical challenges. We do this through a continuous, transparent dialog with our clients – before, during and after our engagement. The company was founded by Dr. Curtis Hays Whitson in 1988 and is a Norwegian corporation located in Trondheim, Norway, with local presence in USA, Middle East, India and Indonesia